It’s time to leave the capsule, if you dare

Plan your leap from orbit, lining up a sequence of jet pack bursts that will dazzle the world and bring you home. Sail through your sponsors’ photo gates and touch down thriving—or just head straight for the atmosphere and settle for surviving.

Floating in the most peculiar way

  • Drag the bright dot or use the Q E keys to move along your current orbit.

Commencing countdown

  • Drag the tip of the bright arrow or use the W A S D keys to plan a course change.
  • A new arrow shows the size and direction of the change.
  • A dim curve shows the new orbit.
  • A new band on your propellant gauge shows you how much propellant you’ll burn.

Engines on

  • Click Burn or press Enter to execute the planned course change.
  • Click away or press Escape to cancel the change.

The papers want to know whose shirts you wear

  • The outward-pointing dashes are your sponsors’ photo gates.
  • The more gates you try to go through before landing, the harder the puzzle gets. It’s possible to go through all four.
  • When you plan a course change, the gates the new orbit would go through light up.
  • When you execute a course change, gates dim to show that you’ve gone through them.

Planet Earth

  • The Earth’s atmosphere is the last thing standing between you and your endorsement checks.
  • For a successful re-entry, you have to hit the atmosphere at an angle of 5°–10°.
  • When you plan a course change that will put you on course to reach Earth, the entry angle is shown next to the Return button.
  • When your current orbit hits the atmosphere at a safe angle, the Return button is enabled. Click it to finish your flight.

There’s something wrong

  • When you don’t have enough propellant left to make a planned course change, the Burn button is disabled.
  • When your orbit misses the Earth, or hits it at the wrong angle, the Return button is disabled.


  • Zooming isn’t implemented yet. If you drag your character out of the viewport, you won’t be able to grab it anymore.
  • Orbits that escape from Earth aren’t shown, although you can drag along them correctly.
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TagsPhysics, Space

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